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Application requirements

What you will need for the Marsh Cyber Accelerate application for cyber insurance:

Before starting your cyber insurance application, having an IT professional by your side to help answer the security questions is key. We highly encourage seeking their expertise. To help you prepare for the application, we have included some of the questions you will be required to answer below.

  • Contact information:
    • Your contact information
    • Organization contact information
  • Organization details including:
    • DUNS number
    • Revenue information
    • Number of employees
    • NAICS code
  • Organization security controls:
    • MFA details
    • Patching information
    • Cyber training information
    • Accounts payable information
  • Organization security details:
    • Backup information
    • Incident information
    • PCI/PHI/PII records information
    • Data encryption details
  • AWS security findings:
    • Security score
    • Number of findings passed
    • Any failed findings

For more information on how to access the AWS Security Findings details, you or your organization’s AWS account holder can obtain the information by following these steps:


Login to AWS and navigate to Security Hub.


If you currently have AWS Security Hub enabled, the Security Score will show on the Summary page, otherwise you will be asked to subscribe to Security Hub.


Once you see the summary page, please validate that the “AWS Foundational Security Best Practices vX.X.X” is enabled with passed and failed counts and a score percentage.


You will be able to review your score (in the graph), passed counts and visualize if you have any failed findings.

If you do not currently have Security Hub enabled, click here for more information: What is AWS Security Hub? - AWS Security Hub (

Get started

Marsh, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and leading cyber insurance carriers have worked together to create a cyber insurance program specifically for AWS Cloud clients.